
Kochfreunde.com is the culinary magazine of Oliver Wagner. Here, everything revolves around the almost most beautiful thing in the world: good food. The focus ranges from reports on exciting restaurants to recipes from his own kitchen, cookbooks and culinary gadgets.


Kochfreunde.com ist das kulinarisches Magazin von Oliver Wagner. Hier dreht sich alles rund um die beinahe schönste Sache der Welt: Gutes Essen. Dabei reicht der Fokus von Berichten über spannende Restaurants bis hin zu Rezepten aus der eigenen Küche, Kochbücher und kulinarische Gadgets.

Discovering Chinese Cuisine

Five interesting documentaries of the seven-part CCTV series Discovering Chinese Cuisine are now available via Youtube and provide interesting and detailed insights into different aspects and secrets of Chinese cuisine.

Part 1 – Optimal heating

Part 2 – Culinary knife skills

Part 3 – Spicy food

Part 4 – Tofu

Part 5 – Pastry

Fish Tales

Fish Tales

Belgian beers. Part 1

Belgian beers. Part 1

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