Inspiration for new ideas, recipes and preparation methods is essential for a chef if he does not want to stand still. The path to new ideas is at least as varied and diverse as the chefs themselves. With the brand new short documentary series “The Art of Slow”, Ron Zacapa provides insights into selected kitchens around the world and reveals some of the creative secrets of international master chefs.
It almost doesn’t matter in which creative profession you are at home, in order to develop new ideas there are both techniques that you can learn and deepen – but above all there are very individual personal zones for the right “flow”. For me, for example, it’s at night, when the day’s business has quieted down, the phone no longer rings, and there’s time to let thoughts wander in peace, to discard them, and then sometimes to catch a flash of inspiration in a phase of increasing tiredness. It works just as well sometimes when traveling, especially on an airplane, when the mind is free. Of course, this doesn’t always work, but it’s much better than during busy routines. Rest and distance is the way of choice for many.
And similar approaches are also shown in the four-part video series entitled The Art of Slow, which recently presented for the first time at the Culinary Symposium Terroir in Berlin. There, Arlene Stein, founder and creative head of Terroir presented one of the four short films in front of about 120 guests consisting of international chefs, press and delegates. Chef Kamilla Seidler, the protagonist of the series, took an extended break from her kitchen and traveled to Italy, Spain, the United States and Mexico to spend time with four leading chefs. Their mission: to be inspired by them and discover how they are redefining the gastronomic world – and what their individual path to finding new inspiration looks like.
Diego Rossi, Milan
Guillermo Beristaín, Monterrey
Cesar Zapata, Miami
Diego Guerrero, Madrid
The Art of Slow
For Zacapa and “The Art of Slow”, time is more important than anything else, as it is at the heart of every stage of the luxury rum’s production. Starting with time, in the selection of the best sugar cane, to the hand-knotted petate banderole dating back to the Mayas that adorns each bottle and the unique aging process – the “Solera System” – to the time to drink, taste and enjoy Ron Zacapa slowly. “The Art of Slow” calls on people to take the time to search for inspiration, gather innovative ideas and celebrate the momentum they find along the way. “The Art of Slow” connects people who share a passion for special ingredients, culinary experiences and a common philosophy.
Terroir Berlin
With Ron Zacapa, Terroir Berlin was dedicated to the “Art of Slow” for three days and so the art of conscious enjoyment, sustainability and inspiration was lived out. From sensory workshops, to discussion panels, to a communal dinner where Ron Zacapa was skillfully integrated into the menu by participating chefs – with the Forum, Arlene Stein has created a new family space for restaurateurs that invites people to share knowledge and experiences and discuss the innovative restaurant industry and its future. With Terroir, Arlene Stein gives international chefs, restaurateurs, the opportunity to build business relationships, develop new ideas and creates time and space for creativity.