
Kochfreunde.com is the culinary magazine of Oliver Wagner. Here, everything revolves around the almost most beautiful thing in the world: good food. The focus ranges from reports on exciting restaurants to recipes from his own kitchen, cookbooks and culinary gadgets.


Kochfreunde.com ist das kulinarisches Magazin von Oliver Wagner. Hier dreht sich alles rund um die beinahe schönste Sache der Welt: Gutes Essen. Dabei reicht der Fokus von Berichten über spannende Restaurants bis hin zu Rezepten aus der eigenen Küche, Kochbücher und kulinarische Gadgets.

Pizza from the Beefer

Pizza from the Original Beefer Grill is something very special. The Beefer Grill is known for its high temperature. At up to 800 degrees Celsius, it manages to roast meat to perfection. But not only that, pizzas are also wonderful here.

The trick with pizza lies in the pizza stone. A pizza stone helps to distribute the heat evenly. This makes the dough nice and crispy. And that is important for a good pizza. The pizza stone is placed directly in the Beefer. It should be allowed to heat up well beforehand. This takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

The original Beefer gas grill

The original. For perfect grilling with 800 degrees. The steak grill made of high quality stainless steel.

Original Beefer One Pro || Die neue Profi-Version des 800-Grad Premium-Oberhitze-Gasgrill für das perfekte Steak
  • Deutsche Fertigungsqualität für amerikanische Steakhouse-Qualität: Der 800°-Oberhitze-Hochleistungsgrill macht aus Hobbygrillern echte Steak-Profis
  • Elegantes Design kombiniert mit pflegeleichter Langlebigkeit: spülmaschinenfeste Einsätze & einfaches Abwischen glatter Innenflächen dank robuster Edelstahlfertigung
  • Einzigartiges Geschmackserlebnis: Extreme Oberflächentemperaturen führen zur unvergleichbaren Kombination aus knuspriger Kruste und zartsaftigem Inneren
  • Flexible Einsetzbarkeit: Zentimetergenaues Höhenverstellen ermöglicht perfekte Grilltemperatur für sämtliches Grillfleisch, Fisch, Meeresfrüchte, Gemüse oder Desserts
  • Umfassender Lieferumfang: 1 Gasgrillgerät mit Elektrozünder, 2 Grillroste, 1 Grillrosthalter, 2 Gastroschalen, 1 Gasschlauch mit Druckminderer, Batterie AA für Zünder

While the pizza stone is heating up, you can prepare the pizza dough. Roll out the dough thinly. Then add the ingredients. These can be tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings. There are no limits to the imagination here. Whether salami, ham, vegetables or mushrooms – everything is possible.

As soon as the pizza stone is hot enough, place the pizza on it. It is best to wear heat-resistant gloves. The pizza is then placed in the Beefer. Due to the high temperature, the pizza only needs a few minutes. You should stick with it and be careful not to burn it. A time of 3 to 5 minutes is usually sufficient.

The result is a pizza with a crispy base and perfectly browned toppings. The cheese has melted nicely and the edges are lightly browned. The high heat ensures that all ingredients develop their full flavor.

Pizza from the Beefer Grill is a great alternative to the classic oven. It’s quick and the result is impressive. The pizza stone plays an important role here. It ensures the right heat distribution and makes the dough perfect. Try it out and enjoy a delicious pizza from the Beefer Grill!

When I unpacked my pizza stone for the Beefer, I frankly thought it was nonsense. Why would you want to grill everything? And even more so pizza. Curiosity prevailed, I tried it – and indeed, this is now my absolute favorite option when it comes to a quick, thin and crispy pizza. In “my” dough I reduce the amount of yeast to a few grams and give the dough much more time.

Beefer 10 10 0009 Pizzastein, Orange, 45 x 23 x 12 cm
  • Der Pizzastein ist passend für alle Beefer
  • 265 x 157 x 30 mm (Stein)
  • 390 x 140 x 4 mm (Schieber)

PIZZA Dough – ideal for the Beefer

  • 400 g wheat flour (type 550)
  • 100 g fine durum wheat semolina
  • Salt
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1⁄2 cube of fresh yeast
  • 300 ml lukewarm water
  • Wheat flour for editing

Place the flour and durum wheat semolina in a bowl with a good pinch of salt and olive oil. Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water and add. Knead everything with the dough hook of a hand mixer or with your hands in about 5 minutes until a smooth dough. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and let rise in a warm place for about 1 hour, until the dough has visibly increased in size.

Then knead again briefly on a lightly floured work surface. Roll out the dough and cut pieces to the right size for the Beefer pizza stone. Top with prepared ingredients as desired.

Sprinkle the slider with a flour and semolina mixture, then the pizzas will slide down easier.


  • 1 – 2 garlic cloves
  • 5 dried soft tomatoes
  • 1 tin of chunky tomatoes (425 g)
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of sugar
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Peel the garlic and chop together with the sun-dried tomatoes. Puree both with the remaining ingredients and season well with salt and pepper.


Preheat the Beefer with the pizza stone to full power at medium height. Then reduce the insertion height and the power to the lowest level. Place the pizza dough on the hot stone with the slider and bake for approx. 60 seconds. If the pizza stone cools down too much, heat it up again.

This recipe for the Beefer has been The Beefer 800 degrees – perfection for steaks & co. appeared. With kind permission of Tre Torri I may make it available to you here. Thank you very much!

Order current books around the Beefer

Bestseller No. 7
Bestseller No. 9

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