You could hardly have imagined a better time for the new addition to the kitchen. It’s summer: the markets full of fresh fruit and vegetables. Every now and then the sun shines – and I’m slowly moving to a slightly healthier lifestyle with more exercise and healthier food right now anyway.
In our kitchen, the Vitamix 750 from the Professional Series recently mixes and purees with an impressive 2.2 hp and a blade speed of up to 434 km/h.
For me, the most important thing in a smoothie is a clear recognition of the individual components. I don’t look for exaggerated sweetness, which is why I deliberately avoid the candidates that are usually colocated, such as agave syrup. On the other hand, I am experimenting quite a bit right now with the addition of other liquid components. A wide field. But an exciting one. Below are my four current favorites – including creative names, of course.
Presumably, you burn off all the energy of this smoothie right as the cherries are pitting. Because, in fact, you need quite a lot for this combination. Which also consists of half a cucumber, a thin slice of lime (organic, then also with peel) a small piece of fresh raw beet, and mint leaves. Blend on high for about 80 seconds along with a handful of ice cubes, then add about 100ml of tonic from pHenomen’s syrup (I only made the syrup for this smoothie with half the amount of water) and blend again for 10 seconds. Super fruity, cherry and mint always go very well anyway, the cucumber you notice only very subtly, the lime gives freshness and the tonic makes the whole something more lively and drinkable. And by the way, if you’re not drinking the smoothie for breakfast, there’s nothing wrong with a shot of gin. Thematically, it fits the bill.
Sweet, ripe watermelon meets coconut milk and a hint of mint. For a slightly better binding, add a small apple. The aromatic kick is provided by a ginger beer syrup which (in contrast to what I wrote at the beginning) adds some sweetness in the form of agave syrup in addition to the slightly spicy ginger. Mix together with ice cubes for 90 seconds. For me at the moment the perfect summer drink.
Very young baby spinach, a large filleted grapefruit, a banana, ice cubes and a spoonful of the premium matcha imported from Kyoto itself. 90 seconds at maximum power – it already glows green, tastes slightly but clearly bitter due to the combination of grapefruit and matcha, somewhat captured by the sweetness of the banana. Makes you fresh and alert for the day and is also a healthy kick with lots of antioxidants from tea and spinach, plus the two carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin from spinach help improve vision.
The classic: orange, carrot and ginger are anyway and always a match made in Heaven. For this smoothie, I just combined it with some vanilla pulp and a stick of celery. For the freshness also provides a thin slice of lime. Add lots of ice cubes and a small sip of water to keep the consistency from getting too thick. The perfect boost of carotene, vitamin B1, B2, B6, C and E. In the first moment fruity sweet, in the second moment the spiciness of the ginger comes strongly to bear.
More importantly, what are your favorite combinations for healthy and delicious smoothies? I welcome feedback in the comments over on Facebook.